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The Official Facebook page of the Boston College Eagles

The Boston College Athletics Facebook page is intended to be an open forum and a place for all fans to interact with each other and the Boston College Athletic Department. Boston College is not responsible for, nor does it endorse, the opinions, claims, advice or information posted here by fans.

We strongly encourage users of this page to respect other community members, the posting policies and guidelines of Facebook, and the ideals, mission, and policies of Boston College. Please understand that Boston College reserves the right to remove postings that are:

- Abusive, defamatory or obscene;
- Fraudulent, deceptive or misleading;
- In violation of any intellectual property right of another;
- In violation of any law or regulation, or
- Otherwise offensive, graphically or in tone.
Anyone abusing this page, repeatedly commenting on singular postings, or posting material that falls into the categories above may be banned from participating in this forum and be removed as a fan of this page.

The Boston College Athletics Fan Page is here for our fans to communicate and participate with each other and most of all, enjoy. Please respect this page and each other.

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