Harvard Better Together: Students for Interfaith Action

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A consortium of students and organizations across Harvard University's college and graduate schools who build pluralism through action.

Harvard University’s college and graduate students represent a diversity of religious and secular perspectives from across the country and around the world. Harvard Better Together: Students for Interfaith Action seeks to build pluralism and cooperation across this diverse student body through interfaith action initiatives. This organization will serve both as an umbrella organization of the various interfaith groups at each of our campuses as well as the main organizing body of university-wide interfaith action events.

Every year, there are a number of service projects and interfaith events organized in isolation at our various campuses. This organization promotes the spirit of one Harvard and collaborates on these opportunities for interfaith action through co-organizing and cross-publicity. This joint effort makes interfaith action accessible to a greater and more diverse number of participants from all fields and backgrounds. Join us!

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